BTS from “Meeting My Grandmother” Publication September 2022
I published a 3-page comic in the September 2022 Anthology from WINC International titled “Meeting My Grandmother”
BTS for “Embracing Myself” Publication December 2022
I published a 3-page comic in the December 2022 Anthology from WINC International titled “Embracing Myself” as pa
Home (Poem)
Home is a strange term. Always evolving and shifting. Time and life will make memories either faded or more vibrant with nosta
“Morning Evolution” 2018 Publication
This comic was published in 2018 with the Sydney Comic Guild Food Anthology. In a way as I re-edit this post, this reminds me
This was published in 2016 with the Sydney Comic Guild and was part of the very first set of anthologies. It is an 8-page comi